Flora & Fauna

Timmons x 2 Testimonial - Huayhuash Trek, Amazon Fishing, Paracas & Ica

Timmons x 2 Testimonial - Huayhuash Trek, Amazon Fishing, Paracas & Ica

Bruce and Martha, an adventurous couple in their 60s from Tennessee, put together an ambitious itinerary with PeruNorth, eschewing Machu Picchu to take in lesser-visited parts of Peru that encompassed a full range of the country’s contrasting geography: coast, desert, mountains and jungle.

Brownrigg & Dallas - Arequipa & Colca Canyon Testimonial

Brownrigg & Dallas - Arequipa & Colca Canyon Testimonial
  • Daniella & Liam, two twenty-somethings from London, Ontario booked PeruNorth’s 4-day Arequipa & Colca Canyon itinerary for April 2024.

  • The hotels used were Tierra Viva Arequipa Plaza & Casa Andina Standard Colca.

  • They had a private half-day tour of central Arequipa on foot and then a shared two-day visit to Colca.

Kaiser x 2 Testimonial | Peru's Northern Coast - Lima to Mancora | Arequipa & Colca Canyon

Kaiser x 2 Testimonial | Peru's Northern Coast - Lima to Mancora | Arequipa & Colca Canyon

Melissa & George Kaiser of Bend, Oregon made a five-week trip to Peru in February / March, 2024

  • Melissa had been to school in Lima in the late ‘60s, and was keen to reconnect with the country of her youth!

  • PeruNorth organised the middle three weeks:

Here are their thoughts on the experience:

Roberts & Mitchell - Treehouse Lodge Review

Roberts & Mitchell - Treehouse Lodge Review

Jenny & Melissa from Sheffield, S. Yorks spent two nights at Treehouse Lodge, in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, in December 2023, as part of a 3-month backpacking trip to South America.

Here are their comments on the experience:

Morrison & Partee - Lima, Cusco, Tambopata & Zafiro Amazon Cruise Testimonial

Morrison & Partee - Lima, Cusco, Tambopata & Zafiro Amazon Cruise Testimonial

Elaine from Los Altos Hills, CA originally planned a solo Galapagos & Peru trip for March 2022, but had to postpone on medical grounds. She was finally able to make the trip, in the company of Morriss, in February 2024

Their itinerary included Lima, Cusco and - quite unusually - time at both an Amazon lodge in Southern Peru and on an Amazon cruise in Northern Peru.

Their original visit to Machu Picchu was cancelled, but luckily they had extra time in their itinerary and were able to rearrange.

Here are her thoughts on the experience.

Collins & Alvarez - Muyuna Amazon Lodge Review

Collins & Alvarez - Muyuna Amazon Lodge Review

Multinational couple - Stephen Collins from the UK and Tammy Alvarez from the US, who are now resident in Mexico City - spent a week at Muyuna Amazon Lodge in late February, 2024.

Northern Peru Archaeology & Low Amazon Lodge Testimonial

Northern Peru Archaeology & Low Amazon Lodge Testimonial

Roberto and Paola from Turin, Italy got in touch with PeruNorth in February 2023 looking for a 24-day itinerary to take in the archaeological and natural highlights of Northern Peru, along with some time in or around an Amazonian reserve, such as Pacaya-Samiria.

Here are their comments about the trip, along with a selection of photos they took:

Christiansen & MacGibbon Testimonial - Chachapoyas & Cajamarca

Christiansen & MacGibbon Testimonial - Chachapoyas & Cajamarca
  • Two Kiwi retirees used PeruNorth’s services for the overland journey from Jaen to Cajamarca as part of a longer South America trip..

  • A six-day trip taking in some of the archaeological and natural highlights of Amazonas, such as Kuelap, Sonche Canyon, Revash & Leymebamba Museum.

  • Ended with spectacular drive in and out of the Marañon Canyon.

7 Facts about Victoria Amazonica Water Lilies

7 Facts about Victoria Amazonica Water Lilies

Victoria amazonica, also known as Victoria regia, is an iconic species of water lily native to the shallow waters across the whole of the Amazon River basin. It is renowned for its enormous circular leaves and striking flowers.

Here are some key facts about Victoria amazonica:

6 Facts about Whale Sharks

6 Facts about Whale Sharks

Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are the largest known fish species in the world, and at certain times of the year can be found off the coast of Northern Peru.

Here are some key facts about whale sharks and how you can incorporate them in a Peru visit.

Effects of Climate Change on Amazonia

Effects of Climate Change on Amazonia
  • What are the Amazonian rainforest types to be found in Loreto, Peru?

  • What effect is climate change having on water levels here?

  • How do these water levels impact fauna & humans?

  • How can one be part of the research?